AFChecker Research Project Home

1. The Context Phone Project

Smartphones are the first real portable pervasive platform. Their built-in sensors can be used to capture and infer the user's context. Context Phone is one of the very first research projects that demonstrate the concept of context-aware pervasive applications, and how such applications can ease our everyday life. The researchers provide Context Phone as an open-source library to help developers build real context-aware applications for Symbian OS.

2. The PhoneAdapter Project

PhoneAdapter is a rule-based context-aware application on the Android platform. The application is developed by us and we make it open-source under the GNU General Public License (GPLv3) for research purposes. The application currently support limited features. Any one who is interested can freely add new functionalities to it.

3. Popular Comercial Projects

  • Tasker : total automation for Android
  • Locator: location-aware Android application

4. The CHOCO Constraint Solver

CHOCO is an open-source Java library for constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) and constraint programming (CP). It is an easy-to-use tool for sovling constraints, and its great performance makes it suitable for many real-life applications. Our AFChecker tool embeds CHOCO solver.